Dartmouth Trauma Interventions 研究 Center (DTIRC)

The Dartmouth Trauma Interventions 研究 Center (DTIRC) pursues innovation in the services and treatment for children, 青年, and 家庭 affected by adversity, 创伤, 和损失. DTIRC is located within Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC)'s Department of Psychiatry and the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. All Center initiatives are funded through grants, contracts, and endowment funding.

The Center team spans many disciplines including:

  • Administrative support
  • Child psychiatrists
  • Clinical psychologists
  • Community consultants  
  • IT专家 
  • 社会工作者  
  • 统计学家 

Center faculty and staff have as a goal to improve the safety and well-being of vulnerable, 弱势群体, and 创伤tized children and 家庭 in New Hampshire and beyond.


Over the past decade, the Center has transformed the child mental health system in New Hampshire by training and providing consultation to over 500 community-based behavioral health providers in evidence-based treatments for child 创伤. The Center has helped the New Hampshire child welfare, juvenile justice and family court systems, 青年 residential and psychiatric facilities, 和学校 become more 创伤-informed through 创伤 training and consultation, implementation of mental health screening measures, and linkage to effective mental health treatment. Much of our work is action-based and in the field, instituting practices within systems, evaluating the successes of these practices, and providing training and expert consultation to agencies and providers.

The Center has three research and service system priorities aimed at building healthy children, 家庭, 和社区. These priorities are:

  1. Improve the quality of mental health care delivered in the community through implementation of evidence-based practices. Our Center trains and consults with community mental health clinicians in evidence-based treatment practices for children ages 0 to 20 years who have experienced neglect, 滥用, 家庭暴力, parental drug addiction, attachment disruption, 还有其他创伤.
  2. Build strategies to improve child and family engagement in the treatment process and in shared decision-making around treatment strategies including therapy and psychotropic medications.
  3. Create 创伤-informed organizations and systems, including child welfare and juvenile justice, family court systems, mental health agencies, pediatric health care settings, residential treatment facilities, 和学校.
