

Helping members of our community extends beyond providing world-class healthcare. Read about these impactful local and state initiatives that are working to address housing, 无家可归, 食品不安全, 公共卫生. 


9美元.5 million Upper Valley Loan Fund was incubated by 十大网赌平台推荐卫生 and Mascoma Bank, 在其他当地企业的帮助和支持下. 十大网赌平台推荐健康中心承诺提供300万美元的贷款, 是由埃弗诺斯管理的吗, 伯灵顿的一家开发公司, Vermont that specializes in affordable housing in the region. 该基金现已作出四项承诺,总额为3美元.7 million for four different housing projects in White River Junction, Vermont; Windsor, Vermont; and New London, 新汉普郡. These projects will create 192 apartments in the Upper Valley region. 169 of them will be affordable to those with incomes below 80% of the average median income (AMI); 53 units will be affordable to households below 50% of AMI; and 22 units will be affordable to households above 80% of AMI.



In 2023, 十大网赌平台推荐卫生 became the largest in-state investor of 新罕布什尔州社区贷款基金, contributing a combined $5 million to support affordable, safe housing. The Community Loan Fund provides financing and education to help homeowners in manufactured-home communities purchase and run their parks as resident-owned communities (ROCs). 它也提供公平, 30年, fixed-rate manufactured-home mortgages to low-wealth homebuyers; and it lends to developers of affordable multifamily rentals. The Community Loan Fund has a strong record of helping manufactured-home residents convert to ROCs and take ownership of their financial futures.

“安全通道”, affordable housing is an important driver of personal health and healthy communities,莎莉·克拉夫特说, MD, 英里每小时, 十大网赌平台推荐卫生人口卫生官员. “Investing in housing solutions provides health benefits to people and helps our communities thrive.” 


In early 2022, 十大网赌平台推荐癌症中心 Continuing Care Manager Catherine M. Reed, MSW, realized that 食品不安全 was a serious issue among her cancer patients. As part of its efforts to address community health needs, 十大网赌平台推荐卫生’s 人口健康 team provided consultation and start-up funds for Reed to launch a six-month 十大网赌平台推荐癌症中心食品储藏室 试点项目将于2022年2月启动. The pilot study's 150 patients were given a week's worth of food every two weeks that catered to their specific nutritional needs. The personalized bags were brought to meet patients at their cars following treatment.

今天, with the assistance of a registered dietitian and support from the Friends of 十大网赌平台推荐癌症中心, 他们的目标是将该项目扩展到所有2个国家,000 cancer patients in need with greater quantities and variety of foods available.  



On January 25, 2024, the City of Lebanon, NH, opened its new 紧急冬季避难所 给那些需要帮助的人. 在捐助者的资助下, 包括25美元,十大网赌平台推荐健康中心送的5000美元礼物, the shelter provides a haven for up to 15 individuals during the winter months. This initiative not only addresses immediate needs but also aligns with broader city goals, including supporting unhoused individuals in the ways necessary to eventually secure and hold housing.

In addition to protecting individuals from the winter elements, the shelter also provides volunteers an opportunity to help those in need to consider their futures and connect to essential community services. Shelter guests are referred to service coordinators who can assist with housing plans. Some guests are able to secure housing by the time the shelter closes for the season.  


The voices of everyday citizens are critical to shaping the future of our region, including advocating for policies that advance the health of all residents. 比如十大网赌平台推荐健康中心 项目的回声 (扩展社区医疗保健结果)免费, virtual educational series examines legislation and executive action on key current issues, 并教育参与者参与倡导活动. ECHO项目的主题包括劳动力和经济, 医疗保健中的患者选择, 公共卫生系统, 数字健康公平, 和工作场所暴力.

The series offers the opportunity for anyone interested in the health and prosperity of 新汉普郡 communities to learn about key current policy proposals that may impact health determinants, and to advocate effectively for sound public health policies.  


Many families cannot afford legal help to address their complex health and social needs. 医疗-法律合作项目, administered by 十大网赌平台推荐卫生 and 新汉普郡 Legal Assistance, focuses on identifying health disparities in communities and addressing individuals’ unmet legal needs related to social conditions. Some examples might be ensuring emergency access to insurance benefits, 防止就业和教育歧视, or securing housing and preventing unwarranted and illegal evictions. 1月, the program received an additional two years of funding from the 新汉普郡 Charitable Foundation and the Couch Family Foundation.

“Families are faced with many hardships, impacting their health,” says Holly A. 加斯帕, manager of 十大网赌平台推荐卫生’s Department of 人口健康 and medical-legal partnership program manager. 而不是对法律体系的恐惧, 接受这项服务的病人感到得到了支持, 听, 并成功地引导下一步.”

This article first ran under the title of “Community Support” in the March 2024 Issue of 连接杂志.