
The Department of 精神健康 provides personal support, 危机干预, 精神关怀和指导, 短期咨询, and liaison with local religious communities.

Human beings are spiritual beings as well as physical ones. Spiritual concerns are a natural part of an experience of critical injury or illness.

牧师. 克里斯鲍恩, a chaplain at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center.

病人, 他们所爱的人, and the staff who care for them have spiritual needs and can benefit from attention to the thoughts, 感情, and concerns that go along with serious illness or injury. Even people who do not think of themselves as religious often find that they feel strengthened and comforted by personal attention to their spiritual needs. Simply talking with someone who can understand the burdens of care can bring relief.

People who have an active spiritual life or religious practice frequently find support in the practices that are familiar to them. 祈祷, 读圣经, 圣礼, and other ritual observances can provide comfort, 意义感, and relief from worries associated with the experience of illness.


Hospital chaplains are ministers with specialized training for working in inter-religious health care settings. 我们的工作人员牧师 possess faith-group endorsement and professional certification as health care chaplains.

Pastoral services are also provided by Volunteer Eucharistic Ministers, 以及我们项目的学生 临床教牧教育.

请注意: Community clergy and religious leaders are welcome and encouraged to visit people affiliated with their congregations.

Clergy may apply for a hospital-issued ID at the 牧师的办公室,虽然这不是必需的. 



Hospital chaplains provide an interfaith ministry with the goal of helping each individual make the best possible use of their own spiritual beliefs. 牧师不会试图改变信仰, 说服, or judge any individual's practice of faith, but will seek to offer a supportive relationship in which to process 感情, 动员优势, 讨论精神问题.

Each chaplain is prepared to offer religious ministries consistent with his or her own faith group, and to assist patients and loved ones in identifying sources for religious ministries which they cannot provide. If the services of a spiritual leader of a particular faith group are needed, we will assist you in locating an appropriate person to help. Pastoral counseling may be provided on a short term basis for patients, 家庭, and staff.

Hospital staff may refer patients by telephone or pager, or by eDH consult order. 病人, 家庭, or local clergy may request a chaplain's visit by direct contact with the Chaplaincy office or through Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) staff. Chaplains may also visit without referral as an expression of our hospitality and concern. 病人' refusal of Chaplaincy visits is always respected.


Area clergy are welcome to come to the 精神健康 Office for support in locating their own parishioners.

We do not allow community clergy to visit patients who are not part of their respective congregations except as invited by the patient. 病人 who choose not to be visited by 精神健康 staff must inform their pastors of their location in the hospital if they wish to be visited by them. Any patient requesting no visits will not have their information shared by their home church from 精神健康.


We provide a beautiful chapel as a place for rest, reflection and renewal located in the new 病人馆. The space that served as a temporary chapel in the East Mall near the space leading to the Garden of Hope is being called one of DHMC's Sacred Spaces. 它全天24小时营业. All patients, visitors and staff are welcome to sit still in silence, meditate or pray.



Meditation sessions will include instruction in seated meditation practice as needed, 接着是静坐. All are welcome, regardless of religious background or experience.


in the chapel as well as broadcast over channel 15 on the in-house channel.


in the chapel as well as broadcast over channel 15 on the in-house channel.


Islamic High Friday 祈祷s are offered in the new Pavilion on Level 1 each Friday afternoon. 提供了祈祷毯.


11:00 am 
In the chapel and broadcast over channel 15 on the in-house television channel.


Scriptural materials from several major religious traditions are provided in the hospital chapel, along with non-sectarian inspirational material related to the healthcare setting. Scriptures of most faith religions are available for delivery to the bedside at the patient's or family's request. General distribution of literature without authorization of the 精神健康 Office is not permitted.